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DRG Therapy

Dorsal Root Ganglion Therapy

West Michigan Pain specialists offer FDA approved Dorsal Root Ganglion (DRG) neurostimulation therapy for patients with chronic nerve pain caused by injury or surgical procedures in the foot, knee, or groin. The Dorsal Root Ganglion is a bundle of nerves located on the outside of the spinal cord.

DRG stimulation therapy involves surgically placing a stimulator to target the dorsal root ganglion, which has been shown to relieve pain of the lower limbs. DRG therapy may be indicated for patients who have experienced chronic pain for six months or more.

Listen in as West Michigan Pain specialist Girish Juneja, MD explains more about the procedure and who is a good candidate in this Patient Education Seminar: DRG Therapy.

West Michigan Pain Patients See Results

“I’ve done more this summer on the farm than I have in the past six years. It’s completely changed my life.”

Bob Gothard – Lake City
West Michigan Pain Patient

Lake City resident, Bob Gothard, suffered for years from chronic pain, after he was injured during a surgical procedure. No pain management technique worked to ease his suffering, until West Michigan Pain specialist, Girish Juneja, MD, determined Gothard was a candidate for a special form of stimulation therapy that targets painful responses in the lower body. Listen in as Gothard shares more about his miraculous life-changing journey.

Proclaim DRG
Proclaim DRG System – Courtesy of Abbott

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DRG Patient Education Video

Traditional neurostimulation has been used safely for decades, but it doesn’t always work for people with CRPS or causalgia due to the nature of these injuries. Unlike traditional neurostimulation devices, the AbbottProclaim DRG system targets the DRG.

The Proclaim DRG NeurostimulationSystem stimulates a spinal target called the dorsal root ganglion (DRG), which contains primary sensory neurons that transmit pain signals from nerves to the brain. Using Bluetooth® wireless technology, iOS‡ software and a more intuitive Apple‡ iPod touch‡ mobile digital device as the system’s controller, the Proclaim DRG system is designed to provide patients new benefits over traditional neurostimulation systems. The Proclaim DRG platform is magnetic resonance (MR)-conditional and recharge-free, offering upgradeability and increased battery capacity over Abbott’s previous generation systems.DRG stimulation with the Proclaim system has been shown to be particularly effective for treating pain in areas currently underserved by traditional SCS, such as the groin, lower leg and feet.

Specialists at West Michigan Pain are specially trained to implant the Proclaim DRG Neurostimulation system. This patient education video is provided courtesy of Abbott.